Round table discussions
The Round Table Discussions will be held in each of the partner countries. These discussions are meetings where the objective is to present the SOS-Attendance observatory, share its findings (research, action protocols, training activities, awareness-raising campaigns) and discuss the impact of the issue in question on society. During the event, interactive methods will be used. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions and comments regarding the materials presented.

Date: 19 Jul, 2023
The first meeting of the SOS-Attendance project took place in Alicante (Spain) from July 19th to 21st. It gave the opportunity to enjoy 6 Round Table Discussion (RTDs). In this collaborative environment, representatives of high schools and researchers could expose their points of views about the development of the project. Moreover, they were able to learn and discuss with their peers different opinions. Even though, it is complicated to summarize all the interesting ideas, personal experiences and exceptional contributions that were made, you can know about the most important detected needs and future directions of the project.