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Short answers about the Observatory SOS-Attendance

Partners' answer

During the first meeting of the project in Alicante, one representative from each of the different countries that are taking part answered short questions about the project. Carolina Gonzálvez, the principal researcher, answered about the objectives, among which highlighted the creation of an Observatory for school attendance problems. Moreover, she pointed out that  the dissemination of reports and offer training actions are important. Concettina Caparello gave to us her perspective of why this project is important for Italy. She commented that absenteeism is an enormous problem and having preventive tools for schools will contribute to reduce it. Finally, Ismail Seçer added that, for Türkiye, it is crucial to develop tools to reduce attendance problems not only in his country but also on an international scale. In addition, it is necessary to mention that the prevalence of school attendance problems in those countries is high. For this reason, they want to work together to increase the effectiveness of their results. 

See Carolina Gonzálvez

See Concettina Caparello

See Ismail Seçer